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7 Reasons Why Waxing Beats Shaving Hands Down

There are a multitude of reasons why waxing beats shaving hands down and those of you that are regular waxers will agree with me, I’m sure.

Most of us need a reliable and fast solution to removing unwanted body and facial hair and with out a shadow of a doubt waxing is the way to go. Not convinced yet, here are my top 7 reasons to throw out that razor and try waxing, I promise you will never look back!


Have you ever suffered a razor burn? It is painful, itchy and looks awful. None of us want to put on our bikini, tank top or sexy summer dress with bumpy red razor burn on our bikini line or underarms.

Razor burn is painful and annoying but a razor cut really stings. This leaves a patchy scab, gross! Especially when shaving those more intimate areas, ouch, I couldn’t think of anything worse.

WAXING eliminates razor burn and cuts completely.


We have all been there, your in a rush to go out, to work or to the beach and you look down and realise that you need to shave. You simply do not have the time to jump in the shower or shave over the edge of your bathtub. So you have to rethink your entire outfit.

But if you have had your legs, underarms and bikini line waxed, it doesn’t matter if you have time or not.

Since shaving has to be done on a day to day basis, waxing eliminates this time consuming ritual.


When you regularly and repeatedly wax areas on the body, over time the hair will grow less and less.

This happens because waxing causes damage to the hair papilla, which is responsible for hair growth. Without the papilla, hair can not grow.


That prickly, spiky stubble feeling and the itchiness when the hair grows back in, I can’t stand it.

When you shave, you are simple cutting off the hair on the surface, leaving a blunt tip. When you wax, you are removing the hair from the root, so when it grows back it has a fine tip.

Start waxing. say goodbye and good riddance to spiky stubble and itchy regrowth.


Razor blades are VERY expensive and razors become dull so quickly. If you have shaved with a blunt razor, you are bound to get razor burn. Not to mention that shaving requires a lot of time and creates wasted water on a very regular basis.

A waxing appointment typically takes 30 mins (depending on the area being waxed of course) and the results are long lasting. Generally speaking you will only be seeing your beauty therapist once every 4 – 6 weeks.


My regular waxers will know that waxing results usually last up to a month, rather that shaving every day or every few days. Sure, during this time the hair does start growing back, but it grows back finer and softer than when you shave and it is fair less noticeable.


Waxing requires ZERO effort from you, you don’t have to do the work. Need I say more?

Your Beauty Therapist will do all the work from skin preparation, to hair removal, to post treatment care. She will select the right wax for you, provide you with advice and a waxing schedule that will work for you.

You walk in, lay down, and then walk out feeling a million dollars.

If you have never tried waxing, now is the perfect time to try it! You will love the results and you will never turn back.

About the Author
Blanco Aesthetics

Beauty Blog

Welcome to the Blanco Aesthetics Beauty Bar Blog. My name is Bec and I am the owner and senior 
therapist at Blanco Aesthetics Beauty Bar in Balwyn, Victoria, Australia.
Blanco caters for Melbourne's Eastern suburbs specialised clientele in a sophisticated environment via a customised treatment menu to serve each person individually. 
I am especially passionate about providing refined skincare, premium female waxing and bringing the latest news and articles about the industry to help educate and assist in our client’s needs.
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