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Exfoliate the night before all waxing appointments; this aids in easier hair removal.
Book regular appointments, as they are beneficial with both the level of discomfort and end result.
Shower & hygiene wipe prior to all bikini hair removal. Fresh & clean skin is ideal to ensure no barriers prevent the wax from adhering to the hairs. 
pre wax do's
Wash your skin daily to keep follicles clean and free of bacteria.
Moisturise your skin daily and straight after waxing – particularly around the bikini line - as the hair follicles are open and more
susceptible to infection.
Exfoliate your skin one week after your Brazilian bikini wax with a body wash using a glove or mitt 2-3 times per week.
Always shower after exercise to clear follicles of perspiration which can lead to bacterial infections.
Wear cotton or no underwear at night to allow your skin to breathe.
Prevent ingrown hairs by using our Concentrated Serum product once per day after waxing. 
Apply ice, an anti-histamine lotion, or a moisturiser after waxing to reduce redness or irritation if your skin is super sensitive.
post wax do's
post wax dont's

Exfoliate your skin every day as this dries up normal healthy oils in your skin, making it harder for hairs to come through the skin.

Use natural loofas as bacteria thrives in the natural fibers.
Apply any deodorants or perfumes until 24 hours after your wax.
Wear make-up straight after a facial wax.
Go out in the sun 24 hours prior or 24 hours after waxing.
Pick at your ingrown hairs as this may cause scarring.
Shave between waxing treatments as this can distort the hair growth cycle.
Exercise straight after a waxing treatment.
Swim in chlorinated pools or at the beach for 24 hours after your waxing treatment.
Wear tight rubbing clothes after your wax as this may irritate the skin and cause ingrown hairs.
Wax just prior or immediately after your period as your skin is more sensitive. We’re happy to still have you in but it just may be a touch more uncomfortable for you.
pre wax dont's
Do not moisturise the day of a waxing appointment, as it can create a barrier & can interfere with wax adhering to the hairs thus affecting the end result.
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